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What Makes a Fan?

Dark blue background with white text that says: What Makes a Fan? The differences between NZ, AU, US, and UK fans.

What Makes a Fan?

Inspired by the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023, we took a dive into our Honoco Research Programme data to analyse the passion drivers for sports fans from NZ, Australia, the UK and the United States.

It turns out, fans from these countries are motivated to support their favourite team because of four different drivers:

  1. Pride
  2. Participation
  3. Club Loyalty
  4. FOMO (the fear of missing out)

Can you guess which passion driver matches which country?

Go ahead and click on the thumbnails below to enjoy a digestible dive into our global tour of “What Makes a Fan?”!

A New Zealand flag

Part 1 - New Zealanders and Pride

Pride sets Kiwi sports fans apart from their counterparts in Australia, the UK, and the US.

Australian Flag

Part 2 - Australians and Participation

Between 2018 and 2022, 33,000 more women and girls played football in Australia. That's a 23% increase.

UK Flag

Part 3 - Brits and Club Loyalty

Sports fans from the UK are 70% more likely to have a strong passion for a professional club than New Zealanders.

Part 4 - Americans and FOMO

American sports fans' #1 passion driver is the fear of missing out, and the chance to experience must-see moments.